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1000mm F6 lens

Op de laatste foto (foto 5) staat een voorbeeld van wat er zelf op de lens gemaakt moet worden.

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Fujinon TV lens 1:1.4/25mm CF25-K1 NIEUW in de doos! CF25MND

Het gaat hier om een variant van de CF25MND, de CF25-K1.

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Supplement to operation for CF25-K1 lens.

The CF25-K1 lens is a variant of CF25-MND lens and has identical optical and mechanical specifications.

Wire connections

Red     10 Volts to 16 Volts DC power

Black   negative/ground

White  control signal, 0 volts for "closed" 5 volts to fully open

Screen case ground

The iris has been adjusted to close to aproxymately F8.

If it is required to change this then carry out the following:

Remove the lens cover, first removing three screws.

Identify actuator to iris "closed" microswitch.

Slacken two screws holding actuator and adjust by sliding actuator in the correct direction.

Tighten screws and reassemble.

Operation of Kangaroo iris lens.

Under most conditions the lens iris is fully open.

The exposure is controlled by camera shutter speed.

When the scene illumination is to hight for the camera, at the shortest shutter speed available, the lens iris is caused to close to a predetermind aperture typicaly around F5.6 to F8.

The adventage of using a Kangaroo rather then an auto iris lens is that since shutter speed is always as short as possible. Good "stills" of moving objects such as car number plates can be made. The system works best with a camera designed specifically for use with a Kangaroolens.

It is possible to control lens using a light sensor but it would be difficult to adjust the lightlevel at wich the changeover is made.


Computar MC TV lens 50mm 1:1,3

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